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Peter Fernandes in A Christmas Carol (2019).

Here are a few ways you can make a one-time special gift:

  1. In Honour/In Memory – Make a gift in honour or in memory of a loved one.

  2. The 60th Anniversary Special Appeal, to help people of all ages stay engaged and connected with The Shaw including, access for young people, behind-the-scenes access, and investment into our creative teams; or

  3. The Shaw Resiliency Fund, to help us through the longer term impacts and costs associated with recovering from COVID-19. This is a restricted fund managed by our Endowment Board for essential financial relief in the area of greatest need.

Read more about these funds and how you can help.

For more information about commemorative gifts (tribute/in memory), contact Laura Langlois at 1-800-657-1106 ext 2260 or

The Shaw Festival accepts both American and Canadian gifts.

Canadian Flag Please note you are currently on the Canadian giving page.

US Flag If you wish to make a US donation, click here instead.


You can also make a donation to The Shaw Resiliency Fund or the Special Appeal by contacting our Membership or Governors Council office directly:

Membership Services 1-800-657-1106 ext 2556

Governors Council 1-800-657-1106 ext 2208

If emailing, please provide best time and number to reach you. Thank you!

Income Tax receipts are provided for the allowable portion of all donations of $20.00 or more.
Canadian Charitable Registration Number 119147882 RR 001 & U.S. Section 501 ( C ) (3) 22-2809351